Thursday, April 2, 2009

Newsletter number 2

April 2 ‘09

Congratulations to those of you who found the source of the quote included in the last newsletter …. It’s good to know that you read the newsletter right to the end!

Wanted… for our new website!Remember contributing the name of a book you enjoyed to the librarian’s reads for summer last Christmas? Well now you can go the next step and contribute a review of a book you have enjoyed to our new website. Just write a brief review and email it to Kim. How easy is that?! She will compile these so the new website can be launched with some great reading suggestions from us. Can’t wait to see what you guys are reading out there!

Tip of the week….
“Opt in” to your Reading History in “My Info” and review the list occasionally. This quick easy technique jogs our memory of the wonderful titles we’ve read. You’ll be surprised how much this can help you make a reading suggestion to a fellow reader.

Food for thought….“[The reading experience] is about public service, about meeting readers where they are and helping them find something they will enjoy… libraries have become many things to our patrons, but one of the mainstays is the civility with which our patrons are treated. Their questions, no matter what they are, are considered important. When their questions and their reading tastes are valued, our patrons feel valued too.” Joyce Saricks Booklist July 08.

Website of the week…

Welcome to Candy Covered Books!
From Chick Lit Book Reviews to those of Women's Fiction, we are determined to make choosing your next book a breeze. We gather reviews from a wide variety of sources and average them into a single rating so you don't waste valuable time reading anything less than fabulous. After all, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover……

So true…?

“No two persons ever read the same book”
~Edmund Wilson

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